Friday, June 27, 2014

30 Days of 30: Day 19

Challenge groups
Once I finished my first challenge with my coach I was ready to help others the way I was helped. I loved the feeling of being fit and sharing that with others. 
   I started with just friends who were also interested in fitness or losing a few pounds. I caught on quickly and had so much fun!! Eventually I was ready to be a coach! 
   I ran probably 6 total challenges and loved every one of them! Daily motivation and support is one of the best tools you can give challengers. Plus it's a bonus for yourself since you are keeping up yourself! 
   I hope after our little lady cones I can jump back in and start some new groups!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 of 30: Day 18

I have always felt bigger than my friends. Maybe I was , maybe I just has skinny friends! Looking back now I was average with a lil more booty than most.
    After I started having kids though things did change. I gained a normal amount with my first, I lost it fairly quickly. Although I gained way to much with my second. It did not come off so easly. 
   Then of course with stress if life and children I put myself on the back burner. After about 3 years I had enough. I started following some fitness pages on facebook and that's when I met my coach. I never knew their were people out there who wanted to see me succeed and be healthy. 
   For me working out at home has always been easy. I started with walk at home with Leslie sansone. And then collected other various workouts. I was challenged by my coach to try a beachbody program and I'm so glad I did. It really changed the way I looked at food and fitness. I was steadily losing weight and gaining confidence. 
   Early this year my husband and I decided it was time to grow our family a little bigger. We got pregnant instantly and I feel like if I had not lost weight it would have taken longer. I also didn't really start gaining weight till a little over halfway through. I am super excited to get back on a more regular fitness schedule after our little lady is born . 

30 Days of 30: Day 16

Today's post is a fun one. Things I wish I knew at 16. When your a teenager you think you know it all. I was not a rebellious child but I did get in some trouble. I did learn a lot from my parents though.

   All I wanted to do at 16 was drive. I was the oldest in my house and my mom was just not ready for me to do that. We argued about it for a long time and I didn't start driving till I was 17. Now thinking about it I wish I didn't have to drive at all. I'm always trying to get my husband to drive!

  My dad always told me not to spend my money. To save, save, save! I think I was better at it when I didn't drive because I didn't have to buy gas or have places to go to spend it! To this day I have trouble saving money.  I am hoping my kids will pickup on saving. they both have piggy banks that they are adding to and saving money in for something special. saving money is definitely one thing I wish had stuck with me from childhood.

When I was a sophomore I really wanted to be in the musical. I argued with my self for a long time and finally decided not to audition. it was every other year so I could always audition in senior year. I really wish I had. I have always been shy and quiet, and afraid of public speaking. I think if I had done the show it might have given me more confidence.

All in all I think I turned out OK. I do really wish I could have know long term what these things would have done for me. Although I might not be the person I am today. Live and learn I guess...


Thursday, June 5, 2014

30 Days of 30: Day 15


 Everyone comes from different kinds of families. My parents were divorced when I was young and re married soon after. I grew up with 4 parents. Although times could be hard, I wouldn't change it for the world. I have learned so much from each of my parents. Its funny when you think back about what we take from our parents. Especially when they come out of my own mouth talking to my own children. 

 Both of my dads are mechanics and have showed me how to stand up for my self and not let anyone walk all over me. they also taught me to respect myself and others around me. As well as how to listen to any strange noises coming from my car.

 My Mom and Step Mom both taught me to be a fighter, a mother, a friend, and a strong woman.
Both of them battled breast cancer although one lost the battle she still taught me to never give up and to look for the good in bad situations. They taught me how to love and care for other people and how to listen. I hope I can be the same for my own children.

 I was never one of those kids who hated their parents. I am human though and sometimes disagreed. I always knew that it was for my own good.
 I thank god every day for them and hope you do too for your own parents. Even if they are not blood related.
