Sunday, September 23, 2018

Creepy up cycled figurines.

Some time this year I saw a post about these little creepy Figurines. I knew as soon as I saw it that we were going to have to make some. It was a fun fairly easy up cycle to help us get in the halloween spirit! 
We went to 4 different second hand stores to come up with a total of 7 Figurines. I was actually very surprised at how much the cost. they are all made of various material, porcelain , plastic, and one is heavy enough to be clay. the smaller cats are actually a pair of salt and pepper shakers. i just filled in the holes on top with glue and let dry before beginning.

The first thing we did was clean them off, (apparently my diuter is broken so the book shelf has not been cleaned, it adds a little bit of character to the pictures , wink ,wink.) then we let them dry completely. we then took all of them outside to paint, this took about 3 hours. We sprayed one side and let it dry , then did the other side, and the top and bottom. Not the bottom of the figurine but the underside of each and evey angle that we wanted completely black. 

Here is them drying between coats. Almost like they are looking in the yard. The net step is not pictured. my daughter and i painted the eyes on each one and she painted the tears that all turned out great. 

They all look amazing!! I will find other places to put them around the house to creep people out.

The Owl.

Mama Cat.

Choir boy and Tiny Angel.

We had a lot of fun making these and will defiantly make more in the future. Maybe though next time we will find out when the half off day is at our local second hand store. This is not a very romantic post, the season is coming for all things scary so we must be prepared!!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A clean room is worth a homemade pizza.

 Being a parent is not always easy, sometimes its messy.
My middle child has had a messy room for a long time now. We have tried various things to encourage her to get it clean and nothing has worked. A friend at school asked when she could come stay the night at her house, that was the spark. She also had a desk she received for Christmas that was not set up yet due to her messy room. Within a week she had her room all cleaned and their was now room to set up her beautiful Drawing desk!
 She also asked if we could make pizzas like we had done at her birthday party the previous year. My youngest and I went to Trader Joes and got some pizza dough. It gets pretty messy but its always a blast! Below is a picture of the directions on the back of the dough.

 We follow it loosly, I so set it out to rise a bit before we start and then we flour evreything. the kids usually play with it for a while and then they decide on a shape. Add pizza sauce, cheese and anything else they like. Here is what the came up with!
A Cat.

A Heart

An "F" for Fortnite.

 It is always fun to see what the kids come up with. They are always amazed  
at how good it tastes . All in all we had fun! My daughter got her room clean and we got to have yummy pizza!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2018


  My last post was in April, we had just started a landscape business and I was super inspired to share my personal story. It was something I had been thinking about for a while. I actually got a lot of positive feedback and support I didn't realize I had. I was afraid people would see me differently or not want to talk to me, I think though because I was honest they did look at me in a different light. Because I wanted to be better.
  Everything I learned from helping this company has changed me as a person. I have overcome so much in just a few months. Its not easy, Its not glamorous, People are not always nice, but it was really cool to be a part of a great team. I told Josh in the beginning that I would be too busy to even think about my depression. Apart of that is true, I was too busy to think about me.
  We grew Faster then I thought was possible. One reason I never went any further in my own business ventures was that I was afraid I would get too much work and not know how to accommodate it. I have learned that we have to build that bridge when we get to it. Sometimes you have to change things up in order to make them work. So that is where we are now, My husband is doing amazing and the business is still growing!
  Working with my husband was not always easy for either of us. Some days we only talked about work and someday we didn't talk at all. We learned through it though. I love him even more because of what we learned together. Through the great days and the hard ones.
  Overall I am doing a lot better. I have goals for my self and I am helping the kids through some fun stuff as well. We are growing and changing around here in a great way! I hope you will stay along for the ride.

Romantically yours ,

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Get up, dress up , show up.

  Get up, Dress up, Show up.
So a lot has happened since my last post about my adneo/endo. 10/13/16. 1.5 years, 18 months, 78 weeks, 548 days give or take. I have had up days and down days. As everyone does. I have tried to get on and blog about what I was going through but it was just too hard.

  When I had the surgery I was working at CVS. I loved my job and everything I did for the company and my managers above me. CVS gave me a confidence I never had before. After the surgery though things changed. I was still heart broken and it was starting to affect my work and home life. I would cry everyday before work and literally stay in bed until I absolutely had to get up. Then on top of that my child care was not working out. So my husband said it was enough.

  I was off work for a bit and was trying to heal. Although after the surgery I started drinking on a regular basis. I used to enjoyed a few beers with my best friend on the weekends and we would watch movies and such. It was around the same time that I lost her. I lost her as my friend. She had not been there with me through the surgery or healing at all. By the time I left my job I was drinking every night and I heard through other people that she had moved away.

  An opportunity came up through a salon I had worked at before. It was just what I needed. I love doing hair. I love making people happy but, I was still drinking.
   My husband was starting to worry. I was always up for the kids and everyone always had clean clothes but I was still drinking. One night I had drank way too much. There I was 33 years old having a relapse praying to the porcelain god alone.  It took me a few days to level back out. I decided it was time to try and help my self.
This is how I saw it.
  If I could make it through one day then I could try another day.
  If I could make it through a week why not two.
  why not three?
It was not easy. It hurt. I couldn't sleep. I had the shakes. I cried and couldn't stop rocking.
   I made it 23 days. I didn't feel that I needed it to sleep anymore. I was not numb anymore. I could really see the amazing things if front of me I was trying to blur. I did a lot of talking, to anyone who would listen. It helped.

   I am still struggling with depression. Now I take it one day at a time. One day in my sadness I came across a few motivational pictures on Pinterest . They said "No matter how you feel, Get up, Dress up, Show up, and never give up! It really spoke to me. I started making my own pictures and sending them to my husband. It has really made a difference for me. Even if I feel crappy and don't want to get out of bed. I have to. For my kids, my husband, my chickens, dogs, cat, For myself. Some days are easier than others and they show in the pictures. Hope you enjoy them. Maybe you could try it too..