Tuesday, January 21, 2014

30 days of 30: Day 10


So, to be honest, this post took me a few days to write. Well, the whole project has taken me longer than expected . I have a problem with commitment. 
Phew glad I got that out.
 I don't mean like family or marital commitment I mean like staying in one place and sticking to things. As a child we moved  8 times before high school . I have personally moved 7 times since I was 19. I have worked in 5 different salons , one of which I left and came back at least 4 times, and worked 3 other various jobs since about 18! Sometimes I wish I would have stayed put, I could have a better clientele.  I wouldn't be the person I am today though. It's also the reason I don't have a bank account, can't loose weight , and don't already have my own salon!! I'm hoping though that with these posts and my goals for this year I can change that. I guess bottom line we have to live and learn. 

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